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Watering Restriction
Smart watering very stupid
Smart watering has taken over my system. It waters on the wrong days at the wrong times. I have tried and tried to reprogram it with no success. I have asked for support from Netro at least 10 times and they have no support. Can someone please help me and tell me how to program the stupid smart system? It waters my plants three days in a row and then doesn’t water it for four days. My grass is dying. My plants are dying. Everything is dying because Netro has zero support. They don’t even have helpful videos on YouTube someone please help.
Answer From Eric
Updated at
2024-08-27 05:36:21 UTC
You should be able to turn off smart watering on your zones. Settings -> Zone. Do it for each Zone. Then under settings -> programs, create your own schedule.
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You should be able to turn off smart watering on your zones. Settings -> Zone. Do it for each Zone. Then under settings -> programs, create your own schedule.