Netro Sprinkler WIFI Smart Controller not retry the connection

Gianluca Bus
Updated at 2022-11-03 12:03:59 UTC
Topic: Troubleshooting

Hi all!

I have a “Netro Sprinkler WIFI Smart Controller” and when  sometime i have a problem with internet connection provider and  after the connection return up the controller still disconnect until i power-off and power-on the controller.

The led on controller blinking and the app show a off-line message.


Why Netro doesn’t automaticaly retry the connection ?

All other ethernet and wifi device automaticaly reconnect  after the connection return up.  It’s possibile configure Netro Controller to retry the wifi connection ot it’s a contoller bugs ?



Netro App vesion: 3.1.0

Netro controller hw ver.: 1.2

Netro controller firmware ver:  1.1.1


Thanks in advance.



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