Flow rate

Sander Z
Updated at 2022-03-14 12:34:05 UTC
Topic: Smart Watering
I got 2 zones of 2 Rainbird 5004plus Rotors irrigating the same 90m2 as water flow was not enough to have the 4 rotor heads working at the same time. As mi experience the automatic programs do not successfully work, I would like to try a more controlled approach in specifying the flow rate in the Smart program. But, what value do I have to put there for each of the 2 zones? I saw on rain birds webpage, the 5004 nozzle 1.5 and 4psi, have a flow rate of 7-8mm/h…but the app does not let me select below the 10mm unfortunately. Can you pleas say what number I have to fill-out for those 2 5004 rotor heads?
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