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My sprinklers keep watering beyond the timer

Tony Pellegrino
Updated at 2021-04-13 19:14:36 UTC 

Why does my sprinklers keep watering after the timer has expired.

View: 2216   Answer: 1


Imran Ali
Updated at 2021-04-12 22:54:05 UTC 


Is there a way for the App to notify me once irrigation has started or stopped? 

Thank you.


Imran Ali 

View: 2313   Answer: 1

Timezone not supported

Shai Amiel
Updated at 2021-04-11 19:33:24 UTC 
why do i get this error? I am trying to install in israel
View: 2267   Answer: 1

How to delete a device

Scott Gustafson
Updated at 2021-04-10 16:04:18 UTC 
I wanted to add a whisper sensor to my existing system.  I accidentally added it as a new device.  I did eventually add the new whisper sensor to my original device.  The issue is I now have two devices in the app.  The first is a device named Sprinkle that has my three whisper sensors attached and a second device named Plant Sensor with nothing attached to it. I want to delete the device  named Plant Sensor.  I cannot find a way to delete it.  



View: 2340   Answer: 1

Disable a zone

fernando colon
Updated at 2021-04-10 14:15:21 UTC 
Ive been trying to remove/disable a zone however the app is not allowing me to do so.  Is there an alternatuve method?
View: 3223   Answer: 1

Moisture Level

Des Mullin
Updated at 2021-04-09 23:48:09 UTC 
Due to external factors on our property it would be very useful to be able to set the current moisture level for a zone. Is there a way to do this ?
View: 2344   Answer: 1

Adding multiple sensors to a Pixie

Updated at 2021-04-09 18:13:11 UTC 
Topic: General
I have a mister setup with multiple Herb racks and raised garden beds. I just got a Pixie and a few Whispers. My hope was using one Pixie and monitoring each bed with a whisper. Is this possible? Can I create multiple zones? Is this something going forward that might be possible? I don't want to set them up as standalones.
View: 2162   Answer: 1

How often should I water reseed

Abel Vargas
Updated at 2021-04-09 00:49:42 UTC 
I am currently located in New Jersey. I just reseeded my back yard and lawn on Monday. How often should I water them and what times would you recommend 
View: 3468   Answer: 1

How do I cancel a watering schedule while we make sprinkler repairs?

David Farries
Updated at 2021-04-07 02:16:14 UTC 
How do I cancel a watering schedule while we make sprinkler repairs?
View: 2239   Answer: 1

is there a firmware update that i can apply?

Updated at 2021-04-05 18:19:11 UTC 
Zones 12 Serial number E4956E4B65BD Hardware version 1.2 Firmware version 1.1.3 Last active 2021/04/05 20:11
View: 2369   Answer: 1

Netro Doesn't respect watering hours in smart mode

Updated at 2021-04-05 18:16:46 UTC 

Doesn't respect watering hours in smart mode.

The time of the zones has only been changed and it cannot be reset and it is watering every 5 minutes.

How can I reset any zone

View: 2346   Answer: 1

Can’t start Netro

Joe Horner
Updated at 2021-04-05 14:47:49 UTC 
After 4 months of non use over winter, I cannot restart my Netro system 

1 sec  blinking of light and have pressed reset button but still get  message “off line” and blinking persists.  

I have a good WiFi signal. 

View: 2152   Answer: 1

Does the Pixle have to be installed with the water coming into it on the "Hose Faucet Connection" side?
Updated at 2021-04-03 19:04:13 UTC 

Basically, is the Pixie water control valve one way, or can it shut off/turn on with pressure from either side?  In order to install it so the button faces up, I need to install it so the water comes in what is labeled as the "Outlet" side.  I don't know if it's labeled "Outlet" because it is a male connection, or because it cares about the direction of the water.  Otherwise, I will need to buy a male/male and female/female adapter, flip it "upside down" and use it with the button facing down.


View: 2170   Answer: 1

Many inexplicable Manual runs

Panos Charalambopoulos
Updated at 2021-04-03 11:37:15 UTC 

Hello everyone ,

During the last hour or so my netro spark has been doing these inexplicable Manual runs. They start and stop on their own without any manual input . Any ideas ?

View: 2277   Answer: 1

Instant watering
Updated at 2021-04-03 00:01:28 UTC 
Yard has been fertilized and need to water now as next scheduled is Sunday.
View: 2135   Answer: 1

Light flashing

Updated at 2021-04-01 19:11:23 UTC 
Topic: General
Why is my light flashing on my Netro?
View: 2273   Answer: 2

Firmware update

Francesco Angelone
Updated at 2021-04-01 13:33:34 UTC 


my firmware version is the 1.1.1

Please, can I have the last firmware vesion and the instructions for update my controller.

The serial number is E4956E4B6B05

Thank you

View: 2503   Answer: 1

What do the icons mean?

Jim Stichbury
Updated at 2021-03-31 06:55:06 UTC 

Hello - just a question about icons / symbols on the schedule.

Guessing the green tick means ‘success’, but what do the warning symbol, and the phone screen symbol mean?

View: 2311   Answer: 1

Server offline

Mirko Paganelli
Updated at 2021-03-30 16:15:01 UTC 
Oggi è tutto il giorno che mi dice Offline... La connessione internet funziona correttamente... C'è qualche problema nel server? 
View: 2231   Answer: 1

Smart scheduling problem with sensor watering adjustment configuration

Alfonso Olias Sanz
Updated at 2021-03-29 08:57:05 UTC 

I have checked in the smart schedule that tomorrow is programmed to run zones that should be skipped.

I have set up the whisperer to skip run if moisture is above 40%. Current moisture is:

  • Zone 2 - 92%
  • Zone 5 - 70%

View: 2534   Answer: 2