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Christophe Benoit

居住在: Royan, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, FR
增长: Impatiens, Begonia


Very low humidity given by my sensor but no watering planned

Christophe Benoit
更新时间 2023-06-27 08:48:51 UTC
话题: 智能灌溉


My basic issue is the one given by the title of my question but behind there is a more simple question:

1. My zone is given as 99% humidity by GET /npa/v1/moistures.json

2 This zone is linked to a Whisperer Sensor indicating a humidity level of 36% (very low)

3 The next valid schedule is within 2 days. It seems very late for an advanced/new plant mode configuration and sunny conditions in the next few days

What is the value of humidity (99% or 36%) Netro is relying on to calculate the next watering schedule ?

Further more, if I set 36% using POST /npa/v1/set_moisture.json, the next watering is in 11 hours, what inspires me more confidence

Thank you in advance for your explanations, I am a little lost

dummy serial for testing

Christophe Benoit
更新时间 2023-04-16 17:53:00 UTC
话题: 智能庭院


I am presently uprgading my jeedom plugin of Netro and I need to test my code with all models. I can do it with Sprite/Spark/Sensor since I have got the devices in my own installation. This is not the case for Pixie, I do not plan to purchase it since I do not need it but some of my plugin users do have it.

Do you have a test/dummy serial number that I could use for testing Pixie integration ?


So complicated to get your product from France

Christophe Benoit
更新时间 2022-12-25 08:01:47 UTC
话题: 通用


I purchased a Netro sensor about one month ago at NetroEU shop through Amazon and got no news about my delivery. I remember it was also a bit complicated to get this Netro sensor the first time I ordered it due to taxes that significantly increased the price. 

What is the best way to get your products ? I am really fond of these latter but a bit upset it is so a big deal to get them. 

If you have solution it would be great.

Thank you

IFTTT - Watering Schedule

Christophe Benoit
更新时间 2020-09-10 05:56:28 UTC
话题: 智能庭院


I am using the IFTTT event "Schedule". I can then get the information related to a watering schedule when it is finished as expected but "start time" and "end time" are wrong since there are two hours of lag with reality. For example when it actually started at 6:25 am it gives me 8:25 am and same sanction for the end time.

My controller is located in France.

It would be nice if you could fix this issue or tell me how to configure.

Thanks in advance,

Christophe Benoit

What about your API ?

Christophe Benoit
更新时间 2020-08-29 17:19:23 UTC
话题: 智能庭院

Hi there,

I am a great satisfied user of the Netro Sprite system I have been using for more than a year now without any significant issue.

I am also fond of the Jeedom system which is the most famous home automation box deployed in France. I am a DIY user of Jeedom since I created my own box through a raid1-debian-raspberry system which works finely. Nevertheless one important thing is missing to this box : a plugin for connecting the Netro Watering system to the rest of the home automation eco system. The only way I can integrate "a piece" of Netro is through the IFTTT integration you have been provided a couple of months ago. To be frank this IFTTT integration is not working very well and quite disappointing : functionally limited, high latency, lost of triggers, low resilience...and then unusable in my point of view.

I think it would be great if a real integration could be done. I'm in the starting blocks to develop the Jeedom plugin as soon as you decide to publish your API. Let me know, it's a matter of a few days of workload that I would easily find in my spare time. I am extremely motivated :-)

Well done for your system, it's the best on the market!


Whisperer does not save through weeks and months

Christophe Benoit
更新时间 2020-01-16 07:05:52 UTC
话题: 通用


I have got a whisperer sensor since 6 months. It gives me each day the expected figures (temp, humidity, ...) but I have got no figures in the week and month view. It looks like the figures are not kept along days, weeks and month. 

Please advice,
