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Gianluca De Virgilio

居住在: San Felice del Benaco, Lombardia, IT
增长: Hard Fescue, Tall Fescue


No connection to WiFi.

Gianluca De Virgilio
更新时间 2022-10-02 21:48:54 UTC
话题: 智能庭院

Good afternoon.

Sometime my controller lost the connection to the router Wi-Fi for some time ( one day or more) and then it riconnettes automatically. I don’t know why.

This morning it lost the connection , but after 10 hours it was still disconnetter. I tried to re connect it manuali, but the controller didn’t find my router. The router is very closed to the controller. When I connect my phone to the WiFi of the controller, i see “no connection”. So. Ok the controller is off line and I can’t connect it. what can I do? I already try to reset the controller turning of the elettrico power. 

Weather .

Gianluca De Virgilio
更新时间 2022-05-15 17:39:09 UTC
话题: 智能庭院
Good afternoon. The Weather forecast avvailable are absolutelly not real. What can I do? 
Could you help me to con figure weather underground?

Gianluca De Virgilio
更新时间 2021-06-07 16:13:28 UTC
话题: 智能灌溉

Good afternoon,

I have two sensors that register always the same % of humidity. One, about 4/5% and the other about 98%.

For a test, yesterday I poured direct water in the sensor that indicate 4% and it jumped imediatelly to 95%, V but after a few minutes it returned down. Also during a small raining it didn’t change. Is there some suggestion to be function them right? Position, mode of positioning into che garden ….




Gianluca De Virgilio
更新时间 2021-06-03 14:47:01 UTC
话题: 智能灌溉

Good afternoon,

Is it possibile to ad new site for the weather forecast? The ones available aren’t accurate.

Whisperer stop working

Gianluca De Virgilio
更新时间 2021-05-11 15:34:15 UTC
话题: 智能灌溉

After 3 weeks of working, my whisperer stop working. It didn’t connect to the Wi-Fi. It was off.

I try to switch on, without any effect. I tried to put it direct indet the Sun for more then one hour. It restart working. After one day inserire the Sun it stopper again to work. Now is raining, so I can’t do nothing.
