Restriction means exactly..when not to water..but if I want specify the opposite?

Luca Manfrin
更新时间 2020-04-16 07:47:25 UTC
话题: Netro App


Using restrictions I discovered that I can only specify when NOT TO WATER but in my specific case I want to tell the system to water in between a certain time range.

Then I had to set up a restriction between 00:00 and START TIME

and add an other restriction between END TIME and 23:59

this was very tricky and not flexible.

It would be nice to have (in restriction page) a drop down menu to choose if specified timelapse is to water or not to water. 

Imagine if I want to specify the irrigation days and not the NOT IRRIGATED DAYS..could be very annoying.

I had to specify irrigation time range because I need solar power to irrigate and  I want to irrigate during most productive hours (I know that the best would be irrigate at early morning but also this is a money saving strategy). And probably I have to monthly move that range. 

Then please check if it s possible to upgrade it.

Thank you for your support

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