Smart zone enabled

Steve Kalani
更新时间 2019-11-25 18:36:19 UTC
话题: Netro App
So I have zones programmed to water at certain time on certain days... If I enable smart zone feature will it override the manual programmed setting or will the programmed settings still come on plus the smart zone feature.. Or do I have to remove /delete my programmed zones n just enable smart zone? 
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Netro Support
更新时间 2019-11-26 01:51:39 UTC

Hi Steve,

 If you do not want smart zone schedule to override your own programmed schedule, you can set up the Smart Zone level from Advanced to Basic, which only skip rainning days for your programmed schedule.(Go to Settings->Zones->Smart Zone)

Smart watering: Level basic

In this level, no smart schedule will be generated. You will need to add programs manually (go to Settings->Programs to add programs) and Netro will skip programs when there is large amount of rain(>0.2inch/ 5.08 mm) or watering regulations.

Please note when smart zone is enabled, your local regulations will automatic override your own program if there is any conflict. 

For more information about Netro 3 watering modes, please refer to this article

Netro Support