
Multiple Zones share readings from 1 Whisperer?

更新时间 2020-06-08 15:26:52 UTC 

I have a whisperer in one of my zones connected perfectly. I have a large back yard, so 3 of my zones are essentially the same. No difference zone-to-zone on the sunlight, slope, grass type, soil type, etc...

Can I have multiple zones use that one whisperer for data? I like the soil moisture readings from the sensor (currently sensor zone shows 33% moisture but the other two zones without the whisperer show 65% moisture).

Thank you!

浏览: 1685   回复: 1

Thanks for IFTTT

Joe Ryan
更新时间 2020-06-07 22:38:39 UTC 

I notice that the IFTTT apps are pre canned. I have 3 whisperers and would like to control 3 different zones. I got around this by choosing a to water when moisture fell below 40% and 50% for 2 different zones. I there a way to trigger 3 different zones at the same 40% moisture?

Again Thanks for your efforts.

浏览: 1695   回复: 1

A way to dial it down

更新时间 2020-06-07 01:51:41 UTC 
Last summer I used Smart Zone Regular mode.  It did a great job but it watered somewhat more than I would have liked.  I checked all the other mode settings and outside of ECO which looked to cut it in half I didn't see any mode that would do what I am looking for.  For customized I didn't see a clear way to have it water say 20% less than Regular mode.  Is there a straightforward ways to do this?   Seems like a nice feature would be to be able to adjust a mode up or down in say 5% increments or so.  That way we would have all Smart Zone Advanced benefits without having to do a lot of manual customization.   thanks
浏览: 1526   回复: 0

Moisture to Skip Watering

更新时间 2020-06-02 23:59:08 UTC 

I have a whisper installed and was wondering if the setting "Moisture to Skip Watering" is based on topsoil or subsoil moisture.

浏览: 1766   回复: 1

Smart Watering Adjustment

更新时间 2020-05-11 20:56:22 UTC 

Hi Guys, 

I have some questions, which answers I couldn't completely find in other posts here.

I have installed a Pixie and a whisperer on my balcony. So far it looks quite good, but it still requires some tuning. 

Unfortunately the house is not well designed which resulted in a complained from my neighbours below me about dirty water dripping onto their balcony, quite soon after I installed the new watering system (with irrigation drippers)

Seems like the Pixie is watering too much, so I went into the settings and configured the SmartWatering with Advanced and tweaked the settings such that it resulted in ~1 min watering per day.

My first question: All over the app, 1 min watering seems to be the minimum - is this correct? Is there a plan to enable even shorter cycles?

When the Pixie is watering for two minutes some of my pots are already filled up and start soaking to the neighbors. 

I think a 30 seconds cycle twice a day should even be sufficient for me. However, I couldn't find a way to get below 1 min. Neither with manual, nor with SmartZone.

So, my current solution would be two have 1 minute in the morning and 1 minute in the evening. That should work on dry days. 

However, I've not quite understood yet, when the SmartZone (if set to basic) skips the watering. It's only depending on the weather forecast, right?

When checking the Whisperer settings, I can also select watering to be skipped and added at certain thresholds. At what times are those waterings added? And at what intervals is this repeated? 

E.g. Add watering set for 50% to 1m. Does this mean it adds 1m watering for that day? once? at what time?

Actually I'd very much like to use the SmartWatering Advanced features, but it just waters too much for my small plants on the balcony. I'm not sure, how I can archive a smart watering behavior in the best way, considering that it should water quite often, but optimally less than 1m, because my neighbors don't want to have a dirty and wet balcony all the time ;-)

And yes, I could reduce the dripping amount at the sprinkers, but this also would mean that it's not spread at all and really just dripping. 

Looking forward for some tips or hints,

Kind regards & stay healthy,


浏览: 1851   回复: 2

Does it automatically stop if it rains?

更新时间 2020-05-07 21:51:54 UTC 
Does it automatically stop if it rains? 
浏览: 1825   回复: 1

Whisper Top soil and subsoil sensor reading

Weston Hull
更新时间 2020-05-07 14:52:41 UTC 


 Is there a way to use the subsoil reading vs the topsoil reading from the sensor.  For example the top soil reading always reads 100% but the sub soil says 55% which is more believable in Florida's Sandy soil.  The unit did not water for 27 days and still read 99% and sub soil at 20%.  I watered it to see if it would change.  When I take the sensor out of the ground it does change state.  

浏览: 1813   回复: 1

Smart watering at wrong time

Joakim Björn
更新时间 2020-04-21 19:55:37 UTC 


In Netro app, Settings=>Preferences=>Scheduling I have told my Netro Sprite to use the time frame 18.00-21.00 (6 PM- 9 PM).

But when I look in Schedule it says it's going to start watering 06.00 (6 AM). Something is wrong here?

浏览: 1747   回复: 1

Mixed Plant Zone

Rich Keith
更新时间 2020-04-18 23:36:39 UTC 
I have a lot of mixed zones and am trying to decide what to categorize them as for smart watering. I have a zone that is an in ground avocado tree, grass, to avocado trees in large wooden containers and also, believe it or not, pumpinks. What setting should I use?
浏览: 1724   回复: 1

Forecast vs Expectation

Arvind Ramanadham
更新时间 2020-04-17 18:25:49 UTC 
What is the difference between Forecast vs Expectation? Is the 0.2 threshold the total amount of rain for the entire day or per hour?
浏览: 1932   回复: 1

Daily Wind speed could not be accurate enough to decide if water or not

Luca Manfrin
更新时间 2020-04-16 10:23:31 UTC 


When I set up not to water when wind (daily peak) is higher than a certain set value it seems that Netro will not water during all the day even if in many hours that limit value is not reached.

In my idea Netro should not water only during hours in which wind is higher than the limit value.

Look at my location wind forecast for today - from DARKSKY. During the day there is a great variation in wind speed.


for example today wind load of 10 km/h is reached only between 12:00 pm and 17:00 pm..then the system could water in differents hours outside that time range

then if i set wind limit at 10 km/h the Netro app should check if during allowed irrigation time range (or programmed) the  hourly speed limit is reached, not the daily wind speed limit. And in case shift the irrigation time to an hour in which hourly wind speed is lower than the limit.

Could be useful to be able to choose between set daily wind peak or hourly wind speed as limit.

thank you

浏览: 1785   回复: 1

Programming time vs Restrictions

Luca Manfrin
更新时间 2020-04-07 09:28:22 UTC 

Which is the difference between specify time range into preferences/programming and restrictions rules?

it seems that programming set a run time range to be applied to all zones while restritcions is a more flexible way to set time range and many other rules that can be applied to all or to specific zone. is it correct?

if programming time range is (completely) different (means never overlapped to) from time range set with restriction rules..what happens? not watering at all?

浏览: 1698   回复: 1


Joe Ryan
更新时间 2020-04-05 17:48:32 UTC 
Can I use the whisperer to control watering of the Sprite controller? If I turn off smart zone. I notice you have Watering adjustment on the whisperer sensor where I can set moisture threshold to add watering and moisture threshold to skip watering. Would this work. I'm using this to water planters and small raised beds. Advice appreciated.
浏览: 1805   回复: 1

Dark Sky

Vardhan Rajkumar
更新时间 2020-04-01 21:55:47 UTC 


Following the acquisition of Dark sky by Apple and news that hey will be shutting down the API, will Netro be able to work with dark sky as a weather data provider?

浏览: 2014   回复: 2

Rain adjustment

Arvind Ramanadham
更新时间 2020-03-31 19:10:38 UTC 
If sprite skips watering as rain is forecasted. But in actual if received less rain, will it increase watering time in schedule for next few days. 
浏览: 1861   回复: 1

Photinia Fraseri Red robin area setup and others

更新时间 2020-03-24 14:44:34 UTC 

Hi , I'm an Italian happy owner of the netro sprite since last summer :)

Last year I used a classic static programs, this year I want to try the smart side of the platform, I've set my seven zones (square meters,type, etc), but I've some questions:

1) I've two zones with Photinia Fraseri Red Robin (zone3,7), in the database I've set the "Photinia Fraseri", but I've a doubt for the area in sqm, is it square meters or linear meters? If I try to set 50sqm or 25 the water not change, is it correct?

2) The algorithm put 107minutes every 14.5days, I've ask to my gardener and he told me that it's too much water (about double) for that plants in this period. Can i set up only this zone with customs specs?

3) I want to buy the Whisperer sensors, but in Amazon.it there is only the sprite, if I buy by netrohome portal the delivery may be slow, there are additional customs duty,etc. Any chance to see in Amazon.it?

Thanks in advance

浏览: 2090   回复: 1

Smart scheduling problem

Alfonso Olias Sanz
更新时间 2020-03-23 19:15:51 UTC 

This is my set up.

I have a netro device + whisperers 

I have set up the netro to skip the previous day and the next day after raining.

I also have set up the schedule for watering from 6 am to 7 am.

If moisture is above 50%, then watering is skipped.

Yesterday it rained a lot and today all the zones were supposed to be skipped. But one of the zones went down to 45% of moisture and watering was started at 19:22.

1) why this happened?

2) Can I change the moisture level to a lower one? Current limit in the application is 50%

浏览: 1958   回复: 1

Rain today and it will water tomorrow?

Javier Palomino
更新时间 2020-03-18 02:11:35 UTC 

I had consistent rain yesterday and today and foreseen by smart watering but it still announces watering tomorrow!!?? Why? Attach screenshot

浏览: 1675   回复: 1

Sprinkler is on during rain

Wahid Ameni
更新时间 2020-03-14 00:12:38 UTC 


The sprinkler is not automatically shut off during rain. I have to go to the apps to shut off 

浏览: 1809   回复: 1

Best weather forecast for south of Italy

Carlo D'Ippolito
更新时间 2020-03-01 14:55:14 UTC 


first of all, thanks for your product.

I would like to know which Is the best and most reliable weather forecast for the south of Italy (Apulia region).

Waiting for your feedback.

Kind regards

浏览: 2027   回复: 1