
Connect to a network

James Yates
更新時間 2021-07-22 21:08:14 UTC 
For some reason my controller goes offline every once in a while. It messed things up because it shows all of my zones are underwatered when I’m reality they have been watered. Is there a way to switch it from one with network to a different one that is closer. I can’t seem to find how to update the wireless network for the controller
瀏覽: 1562   回覆: 1

Two electro valves activated at same time

Francesc Rodríguez
更新時間 2021-07-21 20:07:01 UTC 
話題: 通用
Why is not possible two valves operating at the same time if the pump can be operate correctly?
瀏覽: 1900   回覆: 1

Netro Pixie with Google Home

更新時間 2021-07-21 19:50:41 UTC 

Hi, I've been trying to integrate Netro with Google Home. The Pixie is connected in my Netro app. After logging into through Netro through my Google Home app. The following message appears:

No devices were found in your Netro account.

What is the issue?

瀏覽: 1770   回覆: 1

New lawn setting

Bruce Rodtnick
更新時間 2021-07-21 01:54:26 UTC 
話題: Netro App

I am putting down some new sod Thursday.  My last controller had a new lawn setting that ran for 15 minutes four or five times during the day.  Is there a way to set that up with this controller/program? I think I'm running a sprite, netro version 2.5.3

瀏覽: 1818   回覆: 1

Do I need wifi for it to continue to water on schedule?

更新時間 2021-07-20 20:42:15 UTC 

Hi, I’m moving and leaving our Netro system at our old house. I just need to know if it will continue to water when I cancel the internet service for that house?

I just find it alittle ridiculous to pay an internet bill for only the sprinkler system to run.

瀏覽: 1689   回覆: 2

Not all zones are executing

Brian Brun
更新時間 2021-07-20 14:19:47 UTC 
話題: Netro App
I have 6 Watering zones. I have my weekly watering scheduled to run zones 1-5, never 6. For some reason it is skipping over zones 1-4 and only executing zone 5. I just deleted the whole program and started over to see if that fixes the issue. Does anybody know why this might be happening?  All zones work fine if individually run. 
瀏覽: 1897   回覆: 1

Netro Whisperer no works properly

Ramón Rivero
更新時間 2021-07-20 08:32:53 UTC 
話題: Netro App

Netro Whisperer sensor throws misleading and confusing data.

瀏覽: 1605   回覆: 1

Pixie and Whisperer

Nick Thoman
更新時間 2021-07-19 17:46:37 UTC 
話題: Netro App
How do I add the Whisperer sensor as a sensor with my existing Pixie? It let me add it as a new device but when I go into my Pixie, the option to pick a sensor is blank.
瀏覽: 1694   回覆: 1

Delete all zones and stat over

Barry Litinsky
更新時間 2021-07-18 23:12:56 UTC 
話題: Netro App
How to delete all zones and start over
瀏覽: 1648   回覆: 1

Still need to water off the netro books

更新時間 2021-07-18 13:52:07 UTC 
I had a malfunction in one of my valves and one zone watered all night, without metro knowing. That zone is well watered but metro thinks it needs watered. If I turn it off the program it just makes matters worse. How do I get the hydration level back up in one zone without turning off water to my sprinkler system? I still need to water other zones. I need to adjust the hydration level of one zone. Let me know. Thanks
瀏覽: 1706   回覆: 2

Default view on startup

Addiel Isaac Moldes
更新時間 2021-07-18 12:45:53 UTC 
話題: Netro App
I see that the application always open by default using the plant sensors view. I don't have any sensor and always have to change the view before managing zones and watering schedules. Is there any way to make this the default when opening instead of the sensors? It's really annoying to have the wrong screen everything we open the application. 
瀏覽: 1651   回覆: 1


Addiel Isaac Moldes
更新時間 2021-07-18 12:42:37 UTC 
話題: Netro App

I was told by support a few months ago that notifications will be included in the next release of the netro application.

I was included as a beta tester for the new version but I don't see any option for notifications when the system start or stop watering the zones. 

It was or wasn't included? 

瀏覽: 1794   回覆: 1

Internet down

Jannis Drew
更新時間 2021-07-18 11:38:25 UTC 
If there is an internet outage for several days, does the Netro smart watering device go to a default program or will it stop all watering? 
瀏覽: 1786   回覆: 2

Connecting problem with android

更新時間 2021-07-18 02:44:57 UTC 

Having trouble connecting when adding product.

I get to set 3 set up wifi

I connect to netro unit. I cannot switch back to netro app. When I restart app, it wants me to connect to home WiFi..


Never ending cycle. Thoughts??


瀏覽: 1655   回覆: 4

New system won’t work

更新時間 2021-07-16 13:30:59 UTC 
I am trying to manually torn on the sprinklers and it no longer works. I have used it once, right after I bought it and it has rained for two weeks and didn’t have to use it but now I do. 
What do I do. 
瀏覽: 1641   回覆: 1

Weather Conditions setting

Steven Then
更新時間 2021-07-15 14:04:18 UTC 

It seems if there is any chance of rain, the smart watering always skips the day. Even if I increase the threshold to the highest setting for both forecast or expectation it will skip the day. Can someone help me properly configure the smart watering feature?  This Saturday, it's expected to rain less than my threshold in the evening, I would like the smart watering to water in the morning. 


瀏覽: 1629   回覆: 1

New install problems

更新時間 2021-07-14 23:07:34 UTC 
話題: 安裝
Installed - but now only 4 of 9 zones work, thoughts?
瀏覽: 2147   回覆: 1

New in Netro. How to reduce watering?

更新時間 2021-07-14 07:00:23 UTC 

Hello, I have just bought and installed a new Netro in my garden. I am running the smart watering option and have 2 questions:

Madrid has a weather quite warm and dry, reaching more than 105 F, but these days we have 85 F (minimum at night 65 F)

1-. How to reduce te watering times but still use smart watering option (Netro is seting almost double time that I had with my manual program, my lawn was green enough). Those watering times would be aceptable for hot days, I suppose.

2-. The 4th zone is used for plant pots. Netro is setting 2 followed watering periods everyday of  3 or 4 minutes each . Thats is too much and the water flows out from the container below the pot. Wouldnt be better to water 2 times but separately during the day?



瀏覽: 1675   回覆: 1

No carga la bateria

更新時間 2021-07-12 14:11:15 UTC 
話題: 通用
Mi temporizador recibe más de una hora de sol al día y tiene puesta la sincronización cada 4 horas sin embargo debo cargar la batería cada semana con electricidad ya que se queda a 0 % cada 6 a 7 días  
瀏覽: 1691   回覆: 1

Can't connect to Sprite anymore

更新時間 2021-07-11 10:22:07 UTC 


Got my Sprite in March, but my whole irrigation installation got finished two weeks ago and then installed the Sprite for the first time. It was troublesome to say the least, android was not helping when switching between the Netro wifi and router, but somehow got it working. A couple of days later it was offline, but managed to reconnect. Today I checked again and it was offline, did everything the the troubleshooting page recommnend and nothing worked, even placed a wifi repeater just to be sure. Ended up resetting it and even that didn't work, the connection process always ends with a network failure message.

Edit a couple of hours later: been trying to connect again, the behavior of the app is like two weeks ago at the beginning. When trying to switch back after connecting to the sprite wifi, the login screen appears and off course the whole process is interrupted

Edit 11.07.2021: Made an attempt to reconnect again, worked but inmediatly after the Sprite was offline again...

This is of course very frustrating, please help getting the Sprite working properly.

瀏覽: 1722   回覆: 2