
Controller offline every few days / minutes - no longer turns water on

Ken Wiens
更新時間 2022-06-19 17:14:35 UTC 

I had a controller for a couple years that worked fine until completely dieing this spring. I replaced it with a new unit, installed in exactly the same place. The new unit goes offline every few days. Usually power cycling it a few times brings it back online.  I've even had to install a smart plug in line with the power supply so I can reset this remotely - but why does the new controller go offline every 2-3 days when the old one never did?

Added information:

At the suggestion of support, I tried a reset (pin in the front) and this did what was expected - it reset it. Some of the times it goes offline it goes into reset mode by itself - and this appears to just do the same as it was sometimes doing by itself. 

Also, it now often stays offline all the time and nothing I do other than a reset seems to bring it back online.

Just to provide further information, sometimes when it won't go online, I get the slow blinking indicating it is in setup mode. This then requires me to remove and re-add the controller - which then requires me to completely setup my garden again ( a lengthy job). It would sure be nice if I didn't have to completely reconfigure the garden each time I re-add the controller.

My updated for today - after todays factory reset, following by another garden reconfiguration, I did a manual run for each of my 4 zones. From the app, it looks like everything ran - but a physical check showed that no water was applied. The app thinks it turned on the water, but it didn't.  I'm really starting to think maybe I have a dud controller.

It now goes off-line every few minutes. Signal strength tests using various tools show the wi-fi signal is very strong right at the controller

Fyi - I did remove the common and the zone 1 wire, ran a 24v current across them and zone 1 began watering - so I know that everything downstream from the Netro controller still works.

瀏覽: 2187   回覆: 4

New Home Owner

更新時間 2022-06-17 23:52:21 UTC 

I purchased a house with a Netro system, how do I remove the previous owner and add my account to the system?  Is there a way to reset the system?


瀏覽: 1432   回覆: 1

Manual operation

Paola Pinnavaia
更新時間 2022-06-17 23:21:30 UTC 

I am reporting a problem that has been occurring for a few months. Manual operation fails from time to time for no reason. Before the new version of the app, this never happened.
It is a serious problem

瀏覽: 63127   評論: 2

Sometimes Zone 1 is 2?

Alan M
更新時間 2022-06-17 21:51:02 UTC 
Doing a manual run. On Zone1 correct zone starts up. Sometimes when I try to execute a manual run on zone 2, zone 2 does not start. Zone 1 does. Weird. Shouldn’t this only be possible if zone 1 is connected to the zone 2 valve? Just changed from a working controller to the new Netro controller, so zone 2 was working last year. 
瀏覽: 1415   回覆: 1

Smart schedule, cutting times in half?

Steve A
更新時間 2022-06-17 17:37:53 UTC 
I'm confused.  This year, after two previous years of no issues... The smart schedule is showing my times cut in half.  Example:. I asked it to water for about 25 minutes, starting at 5 AM.  When I look at the schedule it's creating, it's showing, water for 15 minutes at 5 AM, then another 15 Minutes at 5:45 AM

Why is it doing this?   I want the 28 minutes, contiguous.

Thanks for any info

瀏覽: 1469   回覆: 1


Jean Paul Lasserre
更新時間 2022-06-17 07:20:57 UTC 

How can I change the scale for weekly irrigation ?

Monthly scale is OK but the range of weekly scale is far too small.


瀏覽: 1480   回覆: 1

Not working

Victor Bermejo
更新時間 2022-06-17 05:45:18 UTC 

Actually something happened but the smart watering is not working properly anymore.

I already tried changing modes, types of floor, sizes of different zones, amount of sun, climate provider, I also tried using manual program, etc....but only can get a green and healthy grass spending a huge amount of water and money.

Still watering even when its raining.

The moisture level is 3% when its all wet.

Jumps schedules with error randomly.

Please come back to previous algorithm , app version or whatever. Everything was perfect till March 22.

Kind regards,

瀏覽: 2114   回覆: 1


John Amoroso
更新時間 2022-06-16 22:17:32 UTC 
How do I reset app?  It tells me e-mail is in use!  I wold love to talk to them but don’t know how to reach them!
瀏覽: 1515   回覆: 1

Hydretain schedule

更新時間 2022-06-16 04:17:41 UTC 
話題: Netro App
If I use a water retention system like Hydretain, how do I set the app to take this into consideration? Since we would need to water much less.
瀏覽: 1480   回覆: 1

Caution or error sign

更新時間 2022-06-15 18:09:43 UTC 
話題: Netro App
My Nest App is showing that some of the Zones are not running when they’re scheduled to run. For today, none of them are running. Please help! 

瀏覽: 1414   回覆: 1

I live in Laguna beach

St Anns Cottage
更新時間 2022-06-15 17:07:41 UTC 

This is a rental property that periodically changes tenants.  It would be so nice if you had an easy online setup for us landlords who don’t live nearby!

Help!  I don’t know how to set this up!

瀏覽: 1371   回覆: 1

end Battery life?

更新時間 2022-06-15 13:23:27 UTC 
I use Netro Pixie for over a year. Now my battery % goes 3%-11%, 45% maximum, even in sunny days. May i conclude the battery needs to be replaced? Please confirm and tell me where to buy for prompt delivery in Belgium.
瀏覽: 1726   回覆: 1

Wifi netro

Jim Lacy
更新時間 2022-06-15 02:08:45 UTC 

I can't get the device to connect to the internet.  Every time I change to the device wifi it say I need wifi to make the change. Once I select it my wifi shuts off so it can't connect.  

I beyond frustrated with this system 

瀏覽: 1631   回覆: 2

Water Bill Killing Me

John Kollehner
更新時間 2022-06-14 19:42:51 UTC 
話題: Netro App
I live in Houston.   We're having a month long heat water and our city has been raising water rates and they are now some of the country's highest.   Anticipating $1000+ next month for 10K sq ft yard.   Lawn very green with Netro (fully automatic).    How can I sacrifice some of my plush green so I can afford to buy gas?
瀏覽: 1599   回覆: 2

Weather Underground

Martin K
更新時間 2022-06-14 15:52:33 UTC 
話題: 通用

When will be Netro App be updated to allow customers to add a new location to Wunderground?  Also, when can we adjust the rainfall amount to zero?


瀏覽: 1685   回覆: 1

multiple zones starting at the same time

更新時間 2022-06-14 11:23:54 UTC 
Is it possible to start multiple zones at the same time, or group zones so that all can start simultaneously. 
瀏覽: 1292   回覆: 1

Master valve

Lorenzo Ignesti
更新時間 2022-06-14 05:45:45 UTC 
話題: Netro App


Where I can enable the master valve? I need to connect to master valve the water. 


瀏覽: 1459   回覆: 1


Lorenzo Ignesti
更新時間 2022-06-13 08:14:03 UTC 
話題: Netro App


How do I turn off the SMART SCHEDULE?


瀏覽: 1507   回覆: 1

Tech support

Robert Dambrosio
更新時間 2022-06-13 00:41:59 UTC 

I've been playing with my Netro controller for 6 hours now. I create programs and the first time when I look at the schedule the zones are not shown in order and then they repeat for a second time with a different intervals after the first run ends. I try cancelling the duplicates and both occurrences disappear. I could not figure how remove the duplicates only so I tried resetting the controller. I took about 5 tries before it worked.  Then I did the wifi setup and setup a new program. Just a basic 11 zones with a start at 6:00, weekly and start on jun 16,2022,and I enable it and save. When I check the schedule. Nothing shows up for 6/16 and on the home screen it says next run not scheduled.  All of the 11 zones say next in -- without any entry.

瀏覽: 1743   回覆: 1

Netro Spark question

Robert Dambrosio
更新時間 2022-06-12 20:59:09 UTC 
Can I program the spark to not water on Wednesdays. My lawn service comes on Wednesdays and I don't want them to mow a wet lawn.
瀏覽: 2097   回覆: 2