
Choice of irrigation hardware

Lyndon Whyatt
更新時間 2021-06-09 21:01:28 UTC 
話題: 安裝

Hi I have ordered a Netro spark controller and three sensors. My next step is choosing 12VAC solenoids, a drip irrigation system for beds and pots and a misting system for my propagation bench.

I am new to this and would appreciate a pointer to recommended setups and suppliers.

Do I locate valves near to the Spark and run underground hoses to my beds or am I better off running cables to valves next to the beds? What are the pros and cons? 

瀏覽: 2065   回覆: 1

Connect one whisperer to two pixies

更新時間 2021-05-24 14:14:03 UTC 
話題: 安裝


For the moment, I have one whisperer connected to one pixie, and everything is working fine.

I have a question though, if I would add another pixie to control another watering zone, can I connect the same whisperer to that second pixie?

In other words, can I connect one whisperer to two pixies?



瀏覽: 1948   回覆: 1

Whisper Pairing

Sang Peiris
更新時間 2021-05-13 12:11:59 UTC 
話題: 安裝
Hello-  I have two new whisper devices. Both will not go into pairing mode.  Press power button six times and the light just blinks red on and quickly off. Press three times and same thing.  

How do I get the whisper into pairing mode?
瀏覽: 1976   回覆: 1

Where do I have to install the whisper sensor?

更新時間 2021-05-11 09:46:31 UTC 
話題: 安裝


I have recently bought  a whisper sensor to complement my Netro watering system. I have a watering system in the garden, where Can I install the whisper in order to avoid it will be wet all days by the watering system? Do I have to put it outside of the garden? Thanks. Paul

瀏覽: 2169   回覆: 2


Richard Mundy
更新時間 2021-05-04 18:07:58 UTC 
話題: 安裝


I have recently bought  a whisper to complement my Netro watering system. It was bought from Amazon, but showed  no signs of life after following the instructions. I have left in the garden presuming it was flat. After a few day the unit is still showing a red light suggesting the battery is still not charged . Is the unit faulty?

瀏覽: 1896   回覆: 1

How to tell common wire

Shai Amiel
更新時間 2021-04-30 15:27:16 UTC 
話題: 安裝

I had dc solonoids so Im redoing the whole system. 
I boyght bermad 24vac solonoids, they have 2 wires but both are red - how do I tell which one is connected to the common spark plug.

瀏覽: 1802   回覆: 1

Open tel zones atbthe same time

ivan hernandez
更新時間 2021-04-25 11:58:25 UTC 
話題: 安裝

I have to activate two zones at the same time but i dont know how to do It.


瀏覽: 1709   回覆: 1

Timezone not supported

Shai Amiel
更新時間 2021-04-11 19:33:24 UTC 
話題: 安裝
why do i get this error? I am trying to install in israel
瀏覽: 1863   回覆: 1

Does the Pixle have to be installed with the water coming into it on the "Hose Faucet Connection" side?

更新時間 2021-04-03 19:04:13 UTC 
話題: 安裝

Basically, is the Pixie water control valve one way, or can it shut off/turn on with pressure from either side?  In order to install it so the button faces up, I need to install it so the water comes in what is labeled as the "Outlet" side.  I don't know if it's labeled "Outlet" because it is a male connection, or because it cares about the direction of the water.  Otherwise, I will need to buy a male/male and female/female adapter, flip it "upside down" and use it with the button facing down.


瀏覽: 1735   回覆: 1

Firmware update

Francesco Angelone
更新時間 2021-04-01 13:33:34 UTC 
話題: 安裝


my firmware version is the 1.1.1

Please, can I have the last firmware vesion and the instructions for update my controller.

The serial number is E4956E4B6B05

Thank you

瀏覽: 2072   回覆: 1

Sensor not starting

Joan Peiro
更新時間 2021-03-06 08:53:31 UTC 
話題: 安裝

Good morning

I have received two days ago my new sensor. I am not able to start the sensor to proceed with the installation.  

When I press the power button it makes a short flash in red after releasing but does not turn to white , blink or green.  

Same effect when I press quickly  three times or six times.   It only produces a short flash in red.  I can not proceed with the installation as my app does not find the Netro wifi of the sensor as it is off.    I tried to leave the sensor under solar exposure for a full day with no change in the behavior.  Still just a short red flash after pressing the power button but nothing else.

Can you guide me how to solve the problem? 

瀏覽: 2012   回覆: 2

Maximum wire distance between controller and valves

Netro Inc
更新時間 2021-01-16 14:20:49 UTC 
話題: 安裝

Below is a chart indicating the maximum wire runs that can be used when installing AC solenoids and valves.

22 AWG: 600 feet 

20 AWG: 700 feet 

18 AWG : 850 feet 

16 AWG: 1300 feet 

14 AWG: 2000 feet

瀏覽: 2900   評論: 0

Technical question

Enrique Campos Sanchez
更新時間 2021-01-14 20:36:25 UTC 
話題: 安裝

Hi team.

I would like to know what is the maximun wire longitude that support by zone the Netro Driver using 24 VAC power supply.


瀏覽: 2085   回覆: 1

How to make Netro sensor repair

Bowie Xu
更新時間 2020-12-06 21:04:42 UTC 
話題: 安裝
My sensor doesn’t blink white led. When I presses the power button, it shows solid white for a while and then green color and red and goes off. The instructions make me confused. I tried to press the power button for 6 times. What does restart 3 times means? My sensor never goes to blinking white color.
瀏覽: 2138   回覆: 1

Sensor and zone of control

Andrea Pieri
更新時間 2020-11-20 19:49:29 UTC 
話題: 安裝
Dear support right now i am installing my new sensor connected with netro controller ( this is the first sensor) . I have 5 zone active but sensor is able to control just 3 zone is possibile to extend the sensor control  to a global of 5 zone for one sensor ? Thanks for your help .
瀏覽: 2019   回覆: 1

Second house

更新時間 2020-09-29 18:20:51 UTC 
話題: 安裝

I'm in the very fortunate position of having 2 homes - one in the UK and one in Spain. We've just had the garden reworked in the UK and I've been able to install an irrigation system controlled by a single Sprite controller. 

I'm very pleased with how this is working - and now want to upgrade the manual irrigation system we have in our Spanish house to a smart system. Can Netrohome / the (Android) app manage 2 different irrigation systems in 2 different locations (with 2 very different climates)?

Many thanks.

瀏覽: 2017   回覆: 1

loose connection on install

Lawrence Jones
更新時間 2020-09-15 22:49:22 UTC 
話題: 安裝

The unit is working good, yeah!  The way the wires get tab/push for contact is really cheap.  The "spring" of the contact is very , very loose.

Move the wire at all and no contact.  Then trouble shooting to find where trouble is.  Not a good design. Need a much more firm grip on the bare wire. something else or just poor quality?

瀏覽: 2064   回覆: 1

water connection of Pixie

更新時間 2020-08-27 08:29:42 UTC 
話題: 安裝
can you please confirm sizes of water connection, I don't find on the website
瀏覽: 1986   回覆: 1


更新時間 2020-08-06 13:02:18 UTC 
話題: 安裝
Hola! Acabo de instalar mi Netro al sistema de riego. El el equipo antiguo tenía dos fases, pero ahora la instalación para que funcionara me obligaba a utilizar la celda “M” y me he quedado con una sola fase para todo el riego. Como lo puedo solucionar? 
瀏覽: 2022   回覆: 1

Installation help

Francesco G
更新時間 2020-07-31 18:47:07 UTC 
話題: 安裝

Greetings from Italy

this Monday I will receive my Netro Smart Irrigation controller and I have some concerns about the power supply.

On the YouTube video guide I saw there are 2 slots to put the power cables but I was only able to find a regular 24V power adapter with one single output.

Do I have to cut the power jack off and split the cables in order to put them in the controller?

thanks in advance for your help, can’t wait to become part of the Netro family!

this is the power adapter I ordered: Alimentatore 220 V – 24 V/1000mA https://www.amazon.it/dp/B00AWU8NUM/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_OBgjFbJ8Q41F1

this is the Netro device I ordered: Netro Sprinkler Smart Controller, WiFi, Meteo consapevoli, Accesso remoto, 12 Zone, w/o Adattatore di Alimentazione https://www.amazon.it/dp/B07DGT7ZK1/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_iCgjFbP0QZ4DH

瀏覽: 1974   回覆: 0