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Updated at 2025-01-30 20:05:17 UTC 

I was offered a discount on January 24, 2025 on purchasing a New Netro Sprite 6 after mine failed.  I cannot get anyone to respond to my email.  I would like to proceed with the purchase.


Darla Carpenter

View: 484   Answer: 1

Netro offline

Brett Gardner
Updated at 2025-01-20 00:02:43 UTC 

As previous question, netro showing offline, but green on box. Not watering.

Have reset network and reconnected. Same.


Hard reset?



View: 578   Answer: 1

Zone 1 and Zone 2 are reversed

Fat Cut
Updated at 2024-12-29 07:11:04 UTC 

The two zones on the Netro Stream Smart Indoor Watering System are in reverse. When I select Zone 1 manually on the machine or from the app, the water squirts out from Zone 2. And by selecting Zone 2, the water comes out from Zone 1. Anyone else having the same issue? Is this something I can fix as a DIY, like opening the box and swapping out the two wires? 

View: 754   Answer: 1

Zine will not run

TJ Woods
Updated at 2024-10-27 14:40:45 UTC 
I changed the sprinkler head on zone 5 after installing the new controller. All zones work but 5. I can run it manually. It won’t work on smart watering.
View: 1121   Answer: 1

1 zone not watering
Updated at 2024-10-01 01:41:13 UTC 

I have a Sprite which has 5 working zones which are all connected to smart watering, 4 to sections of the lawn and 1 for the garden.  The lawn zones all water automatically but the garden zone only waters manually.  All zones have been set to water automatically via smart watering.

What could be the possible cause of this please.

View: 1226   Answer: 1

Netro Whisperer humidity error

Pierluigi Cilli
Updated at 2024-09-08 07:29:59 UTC 


why after irrigation the humidity is lower than before?

This problem only with 2nd gen sensor...


View: 1287   Answer: 1

Can't get desired watering time

Fabio Silvestri
Updated at 2024-07-24 19:24:30 UTC 


I'm struggling to setup watering time, even after third season im using this app.

As per my settings, EPA suggest to water every day, 30 minutes a day for each zone. The grass is getting sick as all past 2 years, cause the frequency is too high.

I would expect it to water for 1 hour, each 3-4 days. This is what i call "deep watering".

I tried following settings, the frequency decreases, but no way that i can increase the watering time which remains 30 minutes.

Help please

View: 1608   Answer: 1


Updated at 2024-07-21 04:36:32 UTC 
Can't connect to the internet with this app 
View: 1527   Answer: 1

Bug in Smart watering Algorithm

Updated at 2024-07-16 18:53:40 UTC 

I would like to know how to get a serious bug in the smart watering algorithm resolved.

I live in north Dallas.  All of our soil is clay.  Most yards (like mine) have Bermuda grass, which is extremely drought tolerant.  This grass grows roots several feet deep and can survive with zero watering for 3 weeks after a downpour that saturates the clay.  (I can show you green grass in a yard that is hard as a rock)  During mid July to mid September the average low is 80 and the high is over 100.  Bermuda grass will go dormant(not dead) if not watered during summer.  You can easily keep the yard looking decent with only 10 minutes of watering per week.

I bought my house in 2020 and it came with a Netro.  After a summer of use, my wife and I failed to look at the auto-pay CC card water bills.  We had accidently spent thousands of dollars on yard watering during the summer. (I can show the water bills)!  (FYI, I had each zone set to the max ECO level)  Instead of buying a new timer, I changed smart-zone to basic instead of advanced and setup very detailed schedules.  

My timer got hit by lightning back in May.  I bought a new one and set it up.  I failed to notice that the default value for new zones is "smart zone enabled with advanced setting".  Even though I had set up manual programs the timer found 'loop holes'.  The advanced mode was watering some zones as much as 70 minutes in 1 WEEK!  (compared to previous 10 min a week).  My water bill went from $160 to $400 ( at least I caught it before it got to $800 again).  

This bug has literally cost me thousands of dollars with a feature that is supposed to be saving me money.  I am not asking for compensation, it was my mistake that that I failed to look at the schedule and CC auto-pay.  

But this bug is ridiculous.  

How do we get the following implemented:

1) Global setting for water conservation (impacts all zones) that limits the max per week and max per month that a zone can be watered 

2) Budgets inside manual programs that will set limits for max per week and max per month.

3) expand frequency for programs to be across 14 days instead of 7 days

4) notifications from app that informs owner of minutes watered per week and per month.



View: 1548   Answer: 0

2 zones must run the same amount of time

Alfonso Olias Sanz
Updated at 2024-07-06 15:35:53 UTC 

Hi there 

I have the garden zones like the diagram. And I want zone 4 a 3 run the same amount of time. Currently they use different whisperers and have different schedules what makes the grass to present in summer dry patches. I would like to force to run 3 and 4 the same amount of time.

Should I use only one whisperer attached to both zones (3 and 4)? 

View: 1883   Answer: 3

Netro sprite-6 with power adapter 600 ma?

Nuno Fs
Updated at 2024-06-28 12:33:25 UTC 


Just bought a Netro sprite-6 and a power adapter 600 ma but the sprinklers go up but not down, why? Could it be the amperage?

I exchange the power adapter for a 800 mA and i still have the same problem. 

If i do a manual irrigation and turn  it off in the middle it doesnt turn off,but if i tried once more to turn it on it turns it off....


View: 1618   Answer: 1

programs overlaping (smart scheduler and watering adjustment)

Alfonso Olias Sanz
Updated at 2024-06-25 10:19:26 UTC 

The smart schedule overlaps with the watering adjustment program that runs when the moisture goes below a %.

Yo can see here that zone 5 run 10 minutes the program and then 37 minutes the scheduler.  It has no sense and it is a waste of water.

  1. After the watering adjustment run, the smart scheduler should recalibrate the timing based on the humidity of the land.
  2. I have the whisperers, the whisperer should monitor the humidity and stop the smart watering once it reaches 99% of humidity but it seems the program runs all the way.

This could be improved in the application.

Thanks for your support and keep up the good job

View: 1700   Answer: 1

Need a notification, other than in calendar, when watering doesn't work.

Jake Tanner
Updated at 2024-06-16 22:53:34 UTC 

Apparently there are times when the wifi connection to one of our Pixie devices is not reliable.  Yes, I should work on that.  However, it has worked flawlessly in the past, and this is something new.  Nonetheless, when the water schedule fails because of no wifi signal, there should be some kind of notifcation OTHER than having to open the app, go to the calendar, and look for the tiny red icon.  The app is right there on the phone, and could generate a notification.  The app has the email address and could generate a notification.  The current method is borderline dysfunctional, and mostly useless.

The main screen can say "Watered 10 hours ago"  .. but the calendar OBVIOUSLY shows that that even did not happen.


View: 1635   Answer: 1

Rain skip only

Shawn C
Updated at 2024-06-02 21:09:04 UTC 

How do I setup the Netro to only check for rain and skip the rainy days ?  I don’t want it to enable smart watering and change my watering schedule but I would like it to detect and skip rainy days.  Thanks!

View: 1714   Answer: 1


Javier NM
Updated at 2024-05-12 06:32:07 UTC 
Is there an article explaining the different watering modes of smart watering, more that the one line info on the menu? I am looking at information like levels of humidity pursued, depth of watering, or circumstances under which each mode is recommended.  Thank you
View: 1979   Answer: 1

Wafering even when raining

Fabio Silvestri
Updated at 2024-05-07 19:59:22 UTC 

I don't understand the logic behind watering after training. Yesterday and today we had heavy Rain, but the Smart schedule plans to start in 9 hours. In the app I also set to stop watering the day before and after Rain, but that seems to have no effect. Temperatures are low as well, i wouldn't expect watering to start before at least 10 days.

View: 1996   Answer: 1

Whisperer 2 problems

Updated at 2024-04-17 20:54:19 UTC 

As you can see the humidity sensor give some strange readings... 

How can change those values in such way without touching the sensor or watering. I'm scared of the reliability of such things... 

View: 2029   Answer: 1

Skip watering did not work

Alfonso Olias Sanz
Updated at 2024-04-17 12:50:29 UTC 

I have the whisperer to avoid watering over 40% humidity, but the system did not skip it

View: 1961   Answer: 1

Water time

Updated at 2024-04-17 04:36:26 UTC 
How can I get this to water a certain time.  Like my gardens at 6am?
View: 1830   Answer: 0

Waters too much

Updated at 2024-04-17 04:34:42 UTC 
I inputted my own program. I want it to water the durations I entered.  It doesn't.  How can I turn the so called smart feature off?
View: 2005   Answer: 1