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iPhone app crashes after making changes via website if you select "Weather flow PWS" for provider

Jeff W
Updated at 2022-06-30 17:16:24 UTC 

I tried out the new web portal to manage my 3 pixies and their connected whisperers. I modified 2 of the 3 (if you're looking at my account, they're named "Potted Plants" and "Front Lawn") to use my Weather Flow PWS that I have in my backyard, since I have one and I noticed that this option does not exist in the iPhone app. Upon doing so, the iPhone app crashes every single time. I went back to the web portal and changed the weather provider back to the default "Netro Weather" and the iPhone app no longer crashes. If I changed it back to the Weather Flow PWS, it'll crash.

I presume it's crashing because the site offers this new choice for weather providers but this same choice hasn't yet been pushed out to your iPhone app yet and the app doesn't know what to do. I guess until the iPhone app gets updated I'll use the default provider, but this is a pretty annoying bug since I constantly get better results with my weather flow pws than any of the iPhone available options.

View: 1727   Answer: 1

Controller shuts valve off after One minute

Updated at 2022-06-27 13:10:28 UTC 
To my controller shuts the valve off automatically after a little over a minute every time I turn it on to manual run whether I set for 10 15 20 minutes it doesn't matter this is very frustrating
View: 1643   Answer: 1

Moisture level %

Haris Eliades
Updated at 2022-06-22 08:48:45 UTC 


I can see that the app says what is the moisture levels, however what is the best % level for re-watering a lawn area?

I searched, but couldn't find it in the app.


View: 1892   Answer: 1


Joachim Hogg
Updated at 2022-06-18 05:08:25 UTC 
Hi there, could you also please add the following wunderground station: 


Thanks a lot
View: 1733   Answer: 1

New Home Owner

Updated at 2022-06-17 23:52:21 UTC 

I purchased a house with a Netro system, how do I remove the previous owner and add my account to the system?  Is there a way to reset the system?


View: 1783   Answer: 1

Manual operation

Paola Pinnavaia
Updated at 2022-06-17 23:21:30 UTC 

I am reporting a problem that has been occurring for a few months. Manual operation fails from time to time for no reason. Before the new version of the app, this never happened.
It is a serious problem

View: 63701   Comment: 2

Sometimes Zone 1 is 2?

Alan M
Updated at 2022-06-17 21:51:02 UTC 
Doing a manual run. On Zone1 correct zone starts up. Sometimes when I try to execute a manual run on zone 2, zone 2 does not start. Zone 1 does. Weird. Shouldn’t this only be possible if zone 1 is connected to the zone 2 valve? Just changed from a working controller to the new Netro controller, so zone 2 was working last year. 
View: 1752   Answer: 1


Jean Paul Lasserre
Updated at 2022-06-17 07:20:57 UTC 

How can I change the scale for weekly irrigation ?

Monthly scale is OK but the range of weekly scale is far too small.


View: 1881   Answer: 1


John Amoroso
Updated at 2022-06-16 22:17:32 UTC 
How do I reset app?  It tells me e-mail is in use!  I wold love to talk to them but don’t know how to reach them!
View: 1833   Answer: 1

I live in Laguna beach

St Anns Cottage
Updated at 2022-06-15 17:07:41 UTC 

This is a rental property that periodically changes tenants.  It would be so nice if you had an easy online setup for us landlords who don’t live nearby!

Help!  I don’t know how to set this up!

View: 1689   Answer: 1

Wifi netro

Jim Lacy
Updated at 2022-06-15 02:08:45 UTC 

I can't get the device to connect to the internet.  Every time I change to the device wifi it say I need wifi to make the change. Once I select it my wifi shuts off so it can't connect.  

I beyond frustrated with this system 

View: 2026   Answer: 2

Very few questions getting answers.

Sid Smith
Updated at 2022-06-06 21:47:14 UTC 

Has anyone else noted that very few of these posted questions are getting answers? Is Netro even looking at these queries/problems?

I have a Whisperer that will not reset after winter storage.  No answers to my posted question. If I cannot reset the unit it will be the last one I ever buy. Only one season of function is unacceptable.

View: 2135   Answer: 5

Minimum moisture content

Jason Pappas
Updated at 2022-06-05 03:34:37 UTC 
I was trying to see if there was a way to set a minimum moisture content for my grass. As in it can’t drop below 75% so that regardless of how much rain there is or Esther it had rabbits scheduled time or not it would run again or alert you that it needs watering?
View: 2471   Answer: 1

How can I tell if it skipped a day due to rain or excess moisture?

Jeff W
Updated at 2022-06-04 12:43:04 UTC 
With the Pixie is there a way in app (and if so where) to see if it skipped a day because either the sensor reported that the soil moisture was above the threshold set or because the weather provider predicted enough rain to cancel it?
View: 2512   Answer: 1

What is the exclamation mark on schedule?

Simon Clark
Updated at 2022-06-04 07:26:36 UTC 
What does the  exclamation mark mean in the schedule pages?  Does this mean that they haven't run?? If so this is a major fail on the part of an irrigation system and should surely at the least result in notifications to the phone or email to alert?  I've had plants die in the last week of very dry weather as I assumed this was watering daily as per the advanced settings. s
View: 2718   Answer: 2

Whisperer sensor not activating.

Sid Smith
Updated at 2022-06-02 22:21:42 UTC 
Sensor was removed thru winter. Now will not activate and shows single red light only. Been in direct sun for 3 days so fully charged. Cannot get white light to reprogram.
View: 2600   Answer: 1

Schedule keeps overriding programs

Eric Berndt
Updated at 2022-06-01 19:03:43 UTC 
Weeper hoses need to run for hours, the only option in smart scheduling is drip irrigation which is having it max out at like 30 mins a day 
View: 2443   Answer: 1

Back on the app should not exit the app

Eric Berndt
Updated at 2022-06-01 19:02:18 UTC 
Just go to last page, standard UX
View: 2414   Answer: 0

Why is there no on/off

Eric Berndt
Updated at 2022-06-01 19:01:43 UTC 
I need to go outside to toggle this thing on off manually which defeats the purpose of having it.
View: 2519   Answer: 2

Schedule screen

Dick Milde
Updated at 2022-05-30 14:02:03 UTC 
On my schedule screen sometimes I have an “!” mark. Sometimes it’s a “i” If I tap on the zone it takes me to preferences. Did I make a change that I am not aware of? What does this mean?  Thanks. 
View: 1720   Answer: 1