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Whisperer stake cracked

Carolyn Seyfried
Updated at 2023-09-09 20:22:46 UTC 
Whisperer stake cracked when lawnmower hit it. Can it be fixed?
View: 1675   Answer: 1

Arghhh, so horrible

Jake Tanner
Updated at 2023-09-09 16:24:29 UTC 
Need manual run to be immediate... obviously. What prevents this?how to overcome.akes trouble shooting horrible 
View: 1630   Answer: 1

smart watering

Diane Fetherolf
Updated at 2023-09-04 22:29:30 UTC 
How do I turn off smarr wartering?
View: 1484   Answer: 1

Sensor offline

Updated at 2023-08-28 21:29:20 UTC 


Actually i have 3 sensors in my garden and 2 are properly seitched on instead one randomically switched off and i see it because there is no data in statistics

How csn i solve it? 

Czn i check snything?


View: 1563   Answer: 1

Not connecting

Ali M
Updated at 2023-08-27 05:07:14 UTC 
Won't connect to the internet. Tried all day
View: 1514   Answer: 1

Se cierran electroválvulas y deja de regar

Updated at 2023-08-25 21:23:22 UTC 
Hello! For a few days the watering has stopped in the middle of the program, although in the app it tells me that it is watering. Sometimes I try to irrigate manually and the irrigation does not connect either, but in the app it tells me that it is watering.
View: 1435   Answer: 0

Bluetooth cannot find my Spark

Jacob Matheny
Updated at 2023-08-22 15:15:10 UTC 
Hello I’m currently trying to connect my spark 16 controller to my Wi-Fi network. In the Quickstart guide it is asking me to enable my Bluetooth and find the device that way. I’ve done so and it is not popping up. I tried connecting it via Wi-Fi, and it would not work as well. if I can, please get a solution quickly if that would be great. My grass field is currently not getting water.
View: 1557   Answer: 1

Bluetooth cannot find my Spark

Jacob Matheny
Updated at 2023-08-22 15:14:09 UTC 
Hello I’m currently trying to connect my spark 16 controller to my Wi-Fi network. In the Quickstart guide it is asking me to enable my Bluetooth and find the device that way. I’ve done so and it is not popping up. I tried connecting it via Wi-Fi, and it would not work as well. if I can, please get a solution quickly if that would be great. My grass field is currently not getting water.
View: 1535   Answer: 0

Sprite-12 will not connect to wi fi

Updated at 2023-08-13 23:37:32 UTC 
I followed video instructions and will not connect 
View: 1552   Answer: 1

Ventile open, but not closed, Ventilttest successfully done

C He
Updated at 2023-08-13 11:54:36 UTC 


Problem: Ventiles open by Netro successfully (by schedule or manually. But after the run time the Ventiles do not close. The only option i have is the switch off the Netro. Than the ventiles close. 

Ventilttest successfully done (see screenshot)

Whats wrong? 

View: 1605   Answer: 1

My Netro Sprite-12 is not connecting to the cloud

Kay Fluhr
Updated at 2023-08-11 17:07:54 UTC 

Hi there

also calling from Spain. Since today my Netro device is not connecting to the cloud. Re-assigning to WIFI via the APP is not working.

In my network + configurations nothing has changed.

Can you check maybe log file on your side?

Serial No of the device is cc50e34a7616

Strangely my Netro hubs are working.

UPDATE: reconnecting with an Android app + device worked like a charme. BUT if I start watering manually the watering is not starting, status is showing "communicating" for ages also after restarting devices many times.

View: 1532   Answer: 2

technic support

Isabel Santillan
Updated at 2023-08-11 07:07:33 UTC 

My Netro control does not conect to internet. I think is broken. Do you know if there is any technical support in Spain to repair it?

Thank you

View: 1487   Answer: 1

Option to Manually Run a designated Program with Alexa control

Louise Brinkman
Updated at 2023-08-10 05:52:23 UTC 
Have just installed the NetroHome Spark 16 station unit. All working, connected to wifi and Alexa.  Have written a Program called "A" to water zones 2-8 for 6 minutes, however, I do not want it to water according to a set time on any given day but when I choose to manually run the program  via voice through Alexa.  I've disabled smart watering on all my zones.  I've saved the program but Alexa does not support "open NetroHome and run program A" would I manually word it to Alexa to water zones 2 to 8 manually?  Or, how to save a "manual" program that I can run at whim via the app but preferably through Alexa when I choose to run it (without start times etc)...the app clearly allows a manual run but I don't want to run all 16 zones for certain minutes...just zones 2-8 for the same amount of time when I choose without commanding Alexa for individual zones or configuring through the app every single time....I bought the unit for voice control with Alexa, I don't want to fiddle with phone app each time. Please advise how to save a manual program without a regular start time that I can easily use with Alexa (I can write a custom command Alexa routine to run it).  Thank you in advance and looking forward to figuring this out.
View: 1628   Answer: 1

Cambio wifi

Updated at 2023-08-09 15:10:03 UTC 

Hola buenas tardes, he intentado cambiar la red wifi pero siguiendo las instrucciones, la red Netro-xxx no aparece.

Ahora la luz no parpadea y está fija pero fuera de línea.

Espero su ayuda.


View: 1392   Answer: 1

Continued watering if offline?

Drew M
Updated at 2023-08-08 17:48:40 UTC 
My watering hub is offline. I’m away from home. Will it continue to water?
View: 1509   Answer: 1

App show’s pending message

Greg Jones
Updated at 2023-08-07 18:46:13 UTC 
The app always shows a “1” indicating that there is an unread message.  I have opened any and all messages and can’t get rid of it…am I missing something?
View: 1708   Answer: 1

Whisperer v1 reporting temp over 800 degrees

Updated at 2023-07-13 16:20:23 UTC 
I have a v1 Whisperer that’s almost 3 years old. The temp readings are now showing up as over 800 degrees.  I’ve tried to reset it and it’s still reporting the same.  Perhaps another ‘harder’ reset?  Software update?  Out am I just going to need to buy a new one?
View: 1673   Answer: 1


Updated at 2023-07-11 17:32:17 UTC 
How do I check if my pixie one is still in warranty?
View: 1638   Answer: 1


Mark Killeen
Updated at 2023-07-10 22:48:36 UTC 
How do I set system so that it does not water between the hours of 10 pm and 8 am?
View: 1672   Answer: 1


Mark Killeen
Updated at 2023-07-10 22:48:23 UTC 
How do I set system so that it does not water between the hours of 10 pm and 8 am?
View: 1631   Answer: 0