
Centralina non chiude valvola

Stefano Sabelli
更新时间 2020-07-31 18:26:17 UTC 
话题: 通用

Buonasera a tutti, 

Da questa mattina la centralina non mi chiude più la valvola della linea 1 dell’impianto... ho provato a fare reset ma niente continua con irrigazione!! 

Sono riuscito a sospendere irrigazione reimpostando da capo la centralina ma il problema e sulla linea 1 che non a trova più anche quando metto programma irrigazione.

Grazie mille 

浏览: 2171   回复: 1

Water turned off

Ken Laberteaux
更新时间 2020-07-31 01:08:39 UTC 

I had to turn off my water valve to my sprinkler system for a week (ending in a few days) and forgot to disable smart watering on my netro.  Netro thinks it did a complete watering last Saturday, and adjusted estimated soil moisture accordingly.  Netro isn't planning another watering for another 9-10 days.  However no watering last Saturday occurred.  

How best should I handle this?  Is there a way to delete past watering, which will lower soil estimated moisture, triggering a sooner watering than currently scheduled?  Or should I just do a manual long watering as soon as I can?

浏览: 2174   回复: 1

Watering adjustment at specific time

更新时间 2020-07-30 22:20:53 UTC 
话题: Netro App

hi i have watering adjustment enabled based on water level on the whisperer. But is there a way to designate time for watering adjustment? Basically it comes on randomly when it senses that more moisture is needed but can be in the middle of the day when we're using the lawn. Regular watering times are already set to only do mornings and evenings...



浏览: 2055   回复: 1

Skipped watering on calendar and the system still watered...

Daniel Schoonover
更新时间 2020-07-26 01:36:47 UTC 

I noticed system was going to water this afternoon so I skied the watering on the calendar hours before. 

When the time came the system still watered my yard?


And I could not find a single way to stop it.

浏览: 2160   回复: 1

Smart scheduling problem with sensor watering adjustment configuration

Alfonso Olias Sanz
更新时间 2020-07-28 05:32:10 UTC 

I have an issue/conflict  with the watering adjustments for the sensors and the Smart Zone Sheduling

I have seen something weird. 

  • I Have set up the Watering Adjustment for sensors the following I describe o be sure about the problem
  • Moisture to Skip watering 50%
  • Moisture to Add watering 30%
  • Duration 5 minutes (only) -- it is a check
  • The Smart Zones are st up the following
  • Smart Zone - enabled
  • Mode - regular

The watering run today only 5 minutes, when the smart  schedule  defined by the system was above that. As you can see, tomorrow watering says different time runs per zone, but it will run a maximum of 5 minutes. This means that the sensor configuration overrides the Smart Zone. And it should not.

As far as I understand the Watering adjustemt is to add EXTRA watering when needed based on the moisture level. Attached picture

Prior to this setup I had the Duration for Watering Adjustment for 15  and 10 minutes, and you can see in the past days runs, that always run for 15 -10 minutes depending the zone/sensor. - Attached picture

In previous weeks, it was working fine and adding extra watering when need it to keep the moisture levels.

Any idea?

I DID THE CHANGES PROPOSED BY NETRO  and it is not working

Take a look the screen shots

Zones 3,4,5 it is below the 30% trigger

浏览: 2430   回复: 1

Rain Delay

更新时间 2020-07-25 04:47:00 UTC 

My sprinkler still goes off when it’s raining?

It’s set to rain delay but still goes off. 

浏览: 2056   回复: 1

Centralina offline

Stefano Sabelli
更新时间 2020-07-21 10:08:27 UTC 
话题: Netro App

Buongiorno a tutti, 

Qualcuno può aiutarmi a capire se la centralina anche se offline e quindi non comandabile a distanza continuerà a irrigare quanto già pianificato automaticamente?? 

Purtroppo non posso andare prima di qualche giorno e ho paura che si secchi tutto... 

grazie mille 



浏览: 2069   回复: 1

ifttt or .ics support

Michael Landesman
更新时间 2020-07-20 19:01:42 UTC 
话题: Netro App
I see that there is some ifttt integration but is it limited to control language and some data logging. What I would like to see is either an .ics subscription calendar or API access to post the next, scheduled water days by zone. It would have to be updated when the app updates and only needs to look out to the next scheduled watering day (start/end time would be helpful too). This would allow me to see when I need to move yard furniture, etc. 

Please add to suggestion/enhancement list.

Thank you. 

浏览: 2055   回复: 1

Whisperer reset WIFI does not work

更新时间 2020-07-19 14:38:29 UTC 
话题: 安装

Got 2 Whisperer sensors recently. They came up not new (see some scratches on them and signs of use). As a part of install had to reset WIFI settings in order to connect to my WIFI. Pressing power shows red led. Issue is - pressing power 6 times (should switch to WIFI setup mode), does not work either. Still RED light.

Does anyone knows how to fix this?


浏览: 2210   回复: 4


Addiel Isaac Moldes
更新时间 2020-07-19 11:43:54 UTC 
话题: Netro App
It would be great if you add an option for notifications once irrigation starts/finishes.Sometimes we need to start it manually and need to wait until one zone is completed to start the next one. A notification in the phone would avoid opening the application all the time to see if the current zone is completed. 
浏览: 3037   评论: 2

I'm not understanding how "estimated frequency and duration" works...

Izio Sem
更新时间 2020-07-18 07:24:18 UTC 


Just installed Netro Sprite.

I enjoyed to set up the zones with advanced Smart watering, but I'm not confident with what is reported in "estimated frequency and duration". The frequency showed in the setting page seems too long (e.g. every 6 days)... but, if I see what is scheduled in the calendar it seems much closer to my expectation (e.g. every 2 days).   How daoes it work??



浏览: 2178   回复: 1

Does Netro whisperer underestimate moisture?

Rick Agrawal
更新时间 2020-07-16 19:12:17 UTC 
I added a whisperer to one of our zones. Recently the moisture content was between 25-30%. We are having a hot summer with many days with 110 degrees. I believed it and watered for good 15-20 minutes. It turned out despite all those water the soil moisture went up to 45-50%. I went and checked again, the soil looks pretty good and appeared moist. 

Just curious if the whisperer tends to underestimate moisture?
浏览: 2170   回复: 1

Watering Frequency

Andrei Stancovici
更新时间 2020-07-16 05:36:44 UTC 


I installed my netro yesterday and now after watering all zones it shows me that the next watering will be in 5 days. It seems to be to far away in the future since it's 35 degrees celsius and sunny all day

浏览: 2038   回复: 1

Netro Sprite dead after 27 months (3 months post-warranty)

Doug Burkott
更新时间 2020-07-17 11:26:34 UTC 

Has anyone had an issue with their Sprite being inoperable shortly after the warranty ended?  I tested the power prongs with a voltmeter and the controller is getting electricity, but no lights are on.   It's 105 deg in Austin and no rain in sight.  I'm going out of town for 5 days, so I'm in trouble.  I'm going to have to go to Home Depot to get something off the shelf installed today before my trip.

Anyone with the same problem?  Has anyone been successful with a claim outside of the warranty period?

Update:  The Sprite went offline at the same time the LED light stopped working.  The watering schedule resumed two days later and the LED was still off.  Meaning - Sprite works fine, LED doesn't work.  Netro told me to send the unit in over the winter and they will repair the LED.  Awesome - thanks Netro!

All the best,


浏览: 2285   回复: 2

Smart watering issue?

更新时间 2020-07-15 13:14:40 UTC 
My system is not watering using smart schedule. keeps changing the watering days. even though not enough rain. unable to change the weather station on the app.
浏览: 2157   回复: 1

Whisperer night light

更新时间 2020-07-15 05:45:42 UTC 
话题: 通用
I have 2 whisperers. Both have the nightlight enabled to auto but only one of them turns it on at night the other never does. Any advice?
浏览: 2064   回复: 2

user manual in spanish

更新时间 2020-07-14 10:00:20 UTC 
can i get user manual in spanish for netro sprite?
浏览: 2262   回复: 1

Does Pixie timer have an integrated water back flow?

Sierra Kiner
更新时间 2020-07-13 17:27:01 UTC 
话题: 安装
Is water backflow integrated into the Pixie timer or does installation require a separate one?
浏览: 2219   回复: 1

Offline sratusc

Andrea Del Ben
更新时间 2020-07-12 19:31:12 UTC 

whem my Netro is disconnected from wifi , all stsyem is out of service !!  THIS IS A BIG BUG !  

Is possible set a automatic program when the connection is down ?

浏览: 2190   回复: 1

Installed perfectly

Lakeside Gardens
更新时间 2020-07-12 14:57:53 UTC 
话题: 安装
And we are off and running.   Whisper went in the ground and started reporting right away.  Would be nice to connect it to my Ambient weather station as well.   
浏览: 2981   评论: 1